
Friday, December 21, 2007

Maggy vs the Bus

I'm leaving for Ithaca today, which means I'm about to be up against one of my longtime foes - the bus.

Now, I know that the bus is not inherently evil. However, there are several factors against me in the battle with the bus and frankly, I almost always lose. I'm the most restless person I know, and am physically incapable of sitting still for an extended period of time - that is, for longer than five minutes. And I'm not exaggerating. This is fine if I'm in a normal situation with people aka not sharing a seat the size of a graham cracker for 6 hours. When sharing a small space? I'm honestly surprised I haven't been strangled yet. I bore easily. To combat this, I bring books to read, but given the limited space available, I run up against another problem. I read quickly. Usually two new books and a few magazines will tide me over until Binghamton. I can't carry more than that without sacrificing precious space for my next vice. I drink an absurd amount of water. A liter every two hours, and this gets heavy and bulky on long trips. And what does drinking a lot of water lead to? Yes! I go to the ladies room about once an hour. Which would be fine if I could have the aisle seat, but on the off chance that I might fall asleep, I like the window because... I can't sleep sitting up. So basically, my bus trips are 6 hours of fidgeting, accidentally poking my seat mate, getting up at least once an hour, digging in my bag for water, my next book, my missing snack, my iPod, falling asleep for 2 minutes at a time and whimpering about the godawful pain in my back that is a result of the sitting.

I know you want to ride the bus with me now. Buy your ticket today, I'm leaving at 8:30!

Bus 5
Maggy 0


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